Africa to Canada: Easily Get a PR Visa in 2024

Moving from Africa to Canada is now easier than ever. Canada is home to over 40 million people, and in 2021, 1.5 million black people called Canada their home. A significant number of people from Nigeria, Ethiopia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have moved to Canada for better opportunities. This guide will help you understand how to get a Permanent Resident (PR) visa for Canada in 2024.

Why Move to Canada?

Canada is known for its high quality of life, safety, job opportunities, and social benefits. It is one of the most popular destinations for immigrants because it offers a bright future for families. Here’s how you can easily get a PR visa from Africa to Canada.

How to Get a PR Visa from Africa to Canada in 2024

There are many ways to get a PR visa, but we will focus on the most popular and easiest pathways.

1. Express Entry

The Express Entry (EE) system is the fastest and most famous way to get a Canada PR visa. Here’s how it works:

  • Eligibility: You must be eligible for one of its sub-streams such as Federal Skilled Worker (FSW), Federal Skilled Trades (FST), or Canadian Experience Class (CEC).
  • Create an Online Profile: Make an EE profile online.
  • CRS Score: Your profile will get a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.
  • Periodic Draws: IRCC holds periodic EE draws. Your profile must match the CRS cut-off.
  • Invitation to Apply (ITA): If your profile matches the cut-off, you will get an ITA. Submit a complete PR visa application to IRCC.

2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

The PNP allows provinces and territories in Canada to select skilled workers based on their economic needs. Here are two types of PNP streams:

  • Base PNPs: These are non-EE linked streams.
  • Enhanced PNPs: These are linked to the EE system and can give you an extra 600 CRS points, increasing your chances of getting an ITA.

3. Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP)

Quebec has its own immigration system. If you speak French, you can apply to the RSWP through the Arrima portal. Quebec holds periodic Arrima draws. If selected, you get a Quebec Selection Certificate, which you can use to apply for permanent residency with IRCC.

4. Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP)

The AIP includes New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. If you are a skilled worker or international graduate, you can apply to this program. You need a job offer from a designated employer in one of these provinces.

5. Rural and Northern Immigration Program (RNIP)

The RNIP helps you settle in smaller communities. It includes 11 communities in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. You need a job offer from a participating community and a community recommendation.

Important Data in Table

PathwayKey RequirementsBenefits
Express EntryCRS score, eligible sub-stream, ITAFast processing (6-12 months)
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)Provincial nomination, CRS boost (Enhanced PNP)Higher chances with extra CRS points
Quebec RSWPFrench proficiency, Quebec Selection CertificateAccess to Quebec’s unique opportunities
Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP)Job offer from designated employerSettlement in Atlantic provinces
Rural and Northern Immigration Program (RNIP)Job offer, community recommendationSettlement in smaller, welcoming communities


1. Can I apply for a PR visa if I don’t speak French?

Yes, you can apply through the Express Entry system, PNP, AIP, or RNIP. French is only required for Quebec’s RSWP.

2. How long does the PR visa process take?

The Express Entry process typically takes 6-12 months. Other pathways like PNP may vary depending on the province and specific requirements.

3. Do I need a job offer to apply for a PR visa?

Not always. For Express Entry, a job offer is not required but can improve your CRS score. PNP, AIP, and RNIP generally require a job offer.

4. What is the CRS score?

The CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) score is a points-based system used to assess and rank your profile in the Express Entry pool. Points are awarded based on factors like age, education, work experience, and language skills.

5. Can my family move with me to Canada?

Yes, your family can move with you if you apply for a PR visa. They will also enjoy the same benefits and opportunities as you.


Moving from Africa to Canada is a great opportunity for a better future. Canada offers many pathways to get a PR visa, each with its own benefits. By understanding the different options and requirements, you can choose the best pathway for you and your family. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you can make your dream of living in Canada a reality.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us. Good luck with your journey to Canad

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Amit is the experienced admin of, a platform providing job and business information. With 15 years in the field, he's known for accurate, helpful content for job seekers and entrepreneurs, making a trusted resource.

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