6 Financial Tips You Should Know at the Age of 30

For most people, 20 is the age where you have the opportunity to enjoy the life of your youth. At the age of 20, you can still have fun and spend your money on various desires that are actually not that important. However, when you reach the age of 30, you already need to think … Read more

15 Ways to Manage Business Finances Easier

Confused about how to manage your business finances? No need to worry, KoinWorks will share several methods that can be applied to your business. To be said to be healthy, a business requires good financial management. For example, a balanced amount of income and expenses. Apart from that, business owners must also understand the importance … Read more

5 Essential Skills for Digital Printing Business Owners

For quick success, a digital printing business owner needs to continuously learn certain key things. As an owner of a digital printing business, embracing a journey of continuous learning enriches your expertise, simplifying business operations and significantly enhancing your chances of achieving successApart from that, you must also have important skills as an entrepreneur. Primarily, … Read more

5 Tips for Preparing Emergency Funds for Safe Finances

5 Tips for Preparing Emergency Funds for Safe Finances – Everyone, perhaps including you, often forgets how important an anticipatory attitude is towards various things, including finances. Most people in this world will be anticipatory when something has happened, not long before it happens. Where you only think about preparing an emergency fund after your finances … Read more

30 Business Lessons from Billionaire Jack Ma that Can Be Your Guide!

Right now, perhaps you are confused about dealing with business problems that have never found a solution. Do you know Jack Ma? A man from China who was born on September 10 1964 experienced many difficulties when starting his big business, namely Alibaba Group. Jack Ma has become a symbol of enthusiasm and motivation for Chinese people, … Read more

4 Reasons Young People Haven’t Started Investing

Have you ever wondered why you haven’t started investing at a young age? In fact, it is common knowledge that investment is one of the best ways to save money. However, it turns out that there are still many people who are hesitant to invest, especially young people. In fact, the sooner you start investing, … Read more